Wednesday, August 24, 2011

lake. ALSO DEER.

so the lake was lovely; bright, clear, just the right temperature, which made it easy to overlook the slimy mud between my toes (i have never been one for wet squishy things on/under/around my feet). little murphy had a lot of fun too, but i think all the sun and water wore him out. i wish i had taken some pictures, but i don't quite trust myself enough to bring my iphone near any body of water.
besides lake day, yesterday was also big murphy's birthday, so mama murphy made some deeeelishus lamb stew to celebrate, and mel contributed a loaf of soda bread. i also would have taken a picture of that, but we all ate it too quick. a cup of irish coffee for dessert, and i was one happy camper.
today, seeing as it's mel's last day here, we ladies are planning on making something(s) special as a last hurrah before she's on the road. but more about that later.

in order to have at least have one picture in this post, i give you THIS!
this was on the way back from asheville. we looked over and there were three deer just chilling in someone's yard. they didn't seem very skittish, so maybe they were pets...? at any rate, there was a daddy and a mama and a baby (who still had little spots on its back), and they came right up to the fence.
me: "CAN WE PET THEM?? I WANT TO PET THEM!!" (already taking off my seatbelt and reaching for the door)
big murphy: "uh, i don't know if they want us to pet them..."
me: (devastated)
someday... someday i will pet a deer. and that day will be glorious.

okay, i've gotten to that point where i don't have anything else to say, probably because i am now thinking about petting a deer and that has blocked out any other thoughts, soooooo...
over and out.

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